So.... there is not too much to say about the Christmas Camp, only that 70 people (staff members, volunteers, ex volunteers... basically everyone who has been involved with ICYE... was invited.... in Valle de Angeles... little town 30 minutes from Tegucigalpa... really really nice... i must say...
slept in small little cabañas (cottages).... which had amaks in front of the porch.... got to know heaps of lovable people....
the major attratcion of the camp was the big big game that we played. 50 people divided in 5 different groups. Each group had to pass various steps to get to the treasure (which you can all imagine was alcohol and chocolate...hehe... ).... and the games were like running around with a lemon on a spoon in your mouth while being tied to your collegue, or pouring olive oil with a straw from one glass to the other, finding coins in flour.... and stuff like that...
in the evening .. after a big big feast of deliciousness... jummy... i must tell you.... there was dance, music, people improvising with bongos... and some punta...
all in all... pretty fucked up and with a hang over included...;)
Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008
Montag, 24. November 2008
jerga de Honduras
here a page for all those who speak spanish and wanna understand caliche (name of the honduras slang)
my personal version is about to come
my personal version is about to come
Analysis of the Situation

I have promised some updates from Honduras (am doing my voluntary year in Tegucigalpa with street children/orphans in a place called Casa Alianza). What I am doing right now here is that I give English, Math, Accounting and Spanish lessons (yes all in Spanish, dont ask me how I am doing it, it is extremely hard at times... but one makes the best of every and each situation in life I guess) and I have to express my respect to all of my old teachers. I had no idea how difficult it is to bring up the motivation every day. To motivate the little kids to sit down and listen because in the end education is the key to success and a successful life... especially, eversince I am here I have realized how important education is after all. Of how some kids on the other hand are trapped in the vicious circle of society because of the stupidity and the incapability of the
government to support them. Public education is unaccaptable. One course lasts only 25 minutes. And most of them hand out Work Sheets and let the kids fill it out. No explanation. Nothing. It is simply unaccaptable of how the teachers here treat the children. Let them study everything alone with helping. Public education might be free of charge but is not worth anything the way it is used. I have met so many children (from age 12 to even 20) that were incapable of reading and writing. Still they are able to survive in a society that is based on understand and communicating. I keep asking myself how it is possible. Yes, back in Vienna and school we kept learning about Illiteracy but it is one thing to learn about it in theory. Maybe feel sorry for people who cant read and be blessed of how lucky we are. But working with people with this incapability is something so different. You see life so diffrently. I do at least eversince I am here. It made me realize so many things. For example education.
Another thing is the problem with public hospital.... one of my friends... isaac ... 24... had a stroke... that is not the only thing I am shocked about, but as well the estado del hospital. Today when I passed by to visit my friend Izaac, I found him in a room with more than 5 people. This room was supposed to be for the people who freshly came out of brain surgery. It was full with peolpe...too many visitors... how are you supposed to relax with all the noise?... impossible!... constantly someone entereing. I couldnt stay for long, because they had to take him to another hospital. This hospital, as it turned out, didnt have all the required equipment for his kind of brain surgery and check ups, so they took him to another one. (Ah and of course everything has to be paid instantly after the treatment- this I know because I have been to a hospital last week (a private one thank god) . What do people do, if they dont have the required means? Die in front of the hospital? How is this system supposed to work or be accepted by society?
The hospital seemed like one from 50 years ago... old doors... bad equipment... overly filled... patients waiting on the floor because there where not enough beds available.. i dont know what to say.... nor what to do....
This is not he only thing that shocks me these days... the kids stories are getting really hard for me to digest... i hear more and more stories ... and the only thing i feel is helpless... i dont know what to do ... how to help them... and that makes me of my kids... his name is jesus ....

Another thing is the problem with public hospital.... one of my friends... isaac ... 24... had a stroke... that is not the only thing I am shocked about, but as well the estado del hospital. Today when I passed by to visit my friend Izaac, I found him in a room with more than 5 people. This room was supposed to be for the people who freshly came out of brain surgery. It was full with peolpe...too many visitors... how are you supposed to relax with all the noise?... impossible!... constantly someone entereing. I couldnt stay for long, because they had to take him to another hospital. This hospital, as it turned out, didnt have all the required equipment for his kind of brain surgery and check ups, so they took him to another one. (Ah and of course everything has to be paid instantly after the treatment- this I know because I have been to a hospital last week (a private one thank god) . What do people do, if they dont have the required means? Die in front of the hospital? How is this system supposed to work or be accepted by society?
The hospital seemed like one from 50 years ago... old doors... bad equipment... overly filled... patients waiting on the floor because there where not enough beds available.. i dont know what to say.... nor what to do....
This is not he only thing that shocks me these days... the kids stories are getting really hard for me to digest... i hear more and more stories ... and the only thing i feel is helpless... i dont know what to do ... how to help them... and that makes me of my kids... his name is jesus ....
(i know... i keep laughing about his name every time i hear it...:)) .... he is 13 ... a very cute little boy... who told me that his brother got killed in front of his eyes.... (his brother was a member of Mara 18- the biggest problematic of central America --> these are youth gangs who are the biggest challegnge for each government because their high unemployment rate, violence rate and willignness to integrate into society. The average rate of people being in this gangs are approximately 3 years. After that they either get killed, violated and then killed or can escape, which only rarely happens)... and I feel so lucky to see how well he s doing.. and of how he is still able to live another day after all that he has been through... i admire him... sincercly...and thats just one of the many stories.. i dont know what to do or how to help.. i really just wanna take away their burden but i know i cant.. and i m here... getting to know them all.. but right now .. i feel like its not enough... how to help them... and what more I could do?...?????... what???... it s so unfair... why do some have so much and others nothing... why do some live in luxery and others eat food from the trash in the hope to survive another day?...
Why do some receive the best surgical treatment and others have to see people dying on the street because they didnt know better which other way to go?... why?... and i know the only answer is money... because we live in a materialistic world... where equality doesnt matter.. where the equal distribution of material is not the way people select but the accumulation of personal wealth... and being here in Honduras... living the difference i feel after all I have learned in school, trapped with my knowlede... being able to analyize the situation is one thing but not able to change it, the other... and that is the problem that you kept praying me in school... and naive as i was i thought i understood what they were talking about... but i was so wrong... living the difference and KNOWING that your help is limited or in other cases not availble because of egoism... that is what makes me depressed, helpless and it is simply so wrong.
Why do some receive the best surgical treatment and others have to see people dying on the street because they didnt know better which other way to go?... why?... and i know the only answer is money... because we live in a materialistic world... where equality doesnt matter.. where the equal distribution of material is not the way people select but the accumulation of personal wealth... and being here in Honduras... living the difference i feel after all I have learned in school, trapped with my knowlede... being able to analyize the situation is one thing but not able to change it, the other... and that is the problem that you kept praying me in school... and naive as i was i thought i understood what they were talking about... but i was so wrong... living the difference and KNOWING that your help is limited or in other cases not availble because of egoism... that is what makes me depressed, helpless and it is simply so wrong.
Montag, 17. November 2008
Lago Yojoa (lake Yojoa)

One weekend outside of Tegucigalpa with two fabolous ladies... Federica from Italy and Mati from Spain.
We left on Saturday... supposably at 8:30.... but travelling with 2 girls who come from the South of Europe... well I guess you will understand that timing simply doesnt run in their blood.. so we finally left at 11.30... haha... yes... it was pretty funny... but when we started to hit the road the real fun started.... after only 3 hours with the bus... with was stuffed with people and heat.... we arrived in a little town at the lake called Guama... .from there we took a rapitito... which is a small bus which drives from one town to the other.... then when we arrived in la Naraja... we took a Microtaxi...( looks like a bicycle only with an engine and can carry exactly 3 people).... and we went to our fablolous bed and breakfast hotel .... when we entered .... well we didnt see the cabañas... that we were supposed to sleep in... because everything was covered with plants .... and basically what happened was that the hotel
was in the middle of a little forest.... our cabaña was pretty luxurious ... we had an amak on our porch... and it was fabolous... no noise.... no car... only we, the nature and the house made beer that the owner produced... image our luck.... :)
in the night we went out... wanted to explore the surrounding.. but given the fact that when it gets dark, practically nothing goes anymore (bus, taxi ....nada)... we wanted to walk to the lake to have dinner.. (the lake was 8 km from our hotel)... so as we walk a car passes by with 4 young guys (who in the end nos daban aventon -> gave us a ride) to a very nice restaurant at the sea side... where we had super delicious fish from the lake and enjoyed a couple of bottles of white wine from Chile... jummy.... one moment I will definitly never forget for the rest of my life. it was so beautiful.... and we had such a great time with mati and fede).... billiard... and the last challenge this night came when we didnt know again how to get home.. but luckily enough we found the boys who brought as... and they took as home again....

the next morning we went to the cascadas (waterfalls) approximately 17 km from the hotel.... was beautiful.. eventough not as expected because it was too touristy... anyhow... beautiful reunion with nature... no doubts about that.... if you watch the picutres... i guess they say more than my words could possibly describe them....
We left on Saturday... supposably at 8:30.... but travelling with 2 girls who come from the South of Europe... well I guess you will understand that timing simply doesnt run in their blood.. so we finally left at 11.30... haha... yes... it was pretty funny... but when we started to hit the road the real fun started.... after only 3 hours with the bus... with was stuffed with people and heat.... we arrived in a little town at the lake called Guama... .from there we took a rapitito... which is a small bus which drives from one town to the other.... then when we arrived in la Naraja... we took a Microtaxi...( looks like a bicycle only with an engine and can carry exactly 3 people).... and we went to our fablolous bed and breakfast hotel .... when we entered .... well we didnt see the cabañas... that we were supposed to sleep in... because everything was covered with plants .... and basically what happened was that the hotel

in the night we went out... wanted to explore the surrounding.. but given the fact that when it gets dark, practically nothing goes anymore (bus, taxi ....nada)... we wanted to walk to the lake to have dinner.. (the lake was 8 km from our hotel)... so as we walk a car passes by with 4 young guys (who in the end nos daban aventon -> gave us a ride) to a very nice restaurant at the sea side... where we had super delicious fish from the lake and enjoyed a couple of bottles of white wine from Chile... jummy.... one moment I will definitly never forget for the rest of my life. it was so beautiful.... and we had such a great time with mati and fede).... billiard... and the last challenge this night came when we didnt know again how to get home.. but luckily enough we found the boys who brought as... and they took as home again....

the next morning we went to the cascadas (waterfalls) approximately 17 km from the hotel.... was beautiful.. eventough not as expected because it was too touristy... anyhow... beautiful reunion with nature... no doubts about that.... if you watch the picutres... i guess they say more than my words could possibly describe them....
Sonntag, 2. November 2008
culture differences
culture differences
1. i seriously miss walking on the street by night.. here its simply not possible... after its dark ... better with taxi.. i dont even use the bus when its dark.. so thats how extrem it is here...
2. talking on the street with the phone is a no go as well... why? cus they most probablly would rob me once i do....
3. going out is very interessting... well... the clubs all close at 2 a.m. and then you simply look for an after party....
4. when you enter a club, people actually can move... not just from one side to the other... but here its like ... when you observe people dancing, they are dancing like there is not tomorrow... with passion for the music.. .which is mostly reggeton.. but the movement is pretty sexy i have to admit...
5. you can buy only one cigarrete... only costs 2 lempira ... which is like less than 5 cent...
6. people drink their drinks out of plastic bags.... not of glasses.. .like when you buy a juice on the street .. you ll get it in a plastic bag.... with a straw...
7. people spit on the floor without hesitation.. no matter if it s inside a house or not...
8. the traffic on the street has no order... the fastest and strongest wins... which is never the pedestrian
9. there is one pedestrian area in entire tegucigalpa.... so no rights for people without a car
10. people here eat everything with tortilla.. whether its soup or.... meat.. doesnt matter ... there is no life without tortilla...
11. sunday is family day here.. .in almost every family.... eating, travelling.. doesnt matter.. as long as the family does it together...
12. people live in their families until they get married, so if this means 27 or 30... thats ok too... well ..not for me... given the fact that things and liberties are simply different.. but its mostly an economic thing.... too expensive to move out
13. man are not allowed in the rooms of girls... if boyfriend would visit, door has to be open or you have to be somewhere, where people can see that you re not doing anything that the catholic curch wouldnt allow before marriage...
1. i seriously miss walking on the street by night.. here its simply not possible... after its dark ... better with taxi.. i dont even use the bus when its dark.. so thats how extrem it is here...
2. talking on the street with the phone is a no go as well... why? cus they most probablly would rob me once i do....
3. going out is very interessting... well... the clubs all close at 2 a.m. and then you simply look for an after party....
4. when you enter a club, people actually can move... not just from one side to the other... but here its like ... when you observe people dancing, they are dancing like there is not tomorrow... with passion for the music.. .which is mostly reggeton.. but the movement is pretty sexy i have to admit...
5. you can buy only one cigarrete... only costs 2 lempira ... which is like less than 5 cent...
6. people drink their drinks out of plastic bags.... not of glasses.. .like when you buy a juice on the street .. you ll get it in a plastic bag.... with a straw...
7. people spit on the floor without hesitation.. no matter if it s inside a house or not...
8. the traffic on the street has no order... the fastest and strongest wins... which is never the pedestrian
9. there is one pedestrian area in entire tegucigalpa.... so no rights for people without a car
10. people here eat everything with tortilla.. whether its soup or.... meat.. doesnt matter ... there is no life without tortilla...
11. sunday is family day here.. .in almost every family.... eating, travelling.. doesnt matter.. as long as the family does it together...
12. people live in their families until they get married, so if this means 27 or 30... thats ok too... well ..not for me... given the fact that things and liberties are simply different.. but its mostly an economic thing.... too expensive to move out
13. man are not allowed in the rooms of girls... if boyfriend would visit, door has to be open or you have to be somewhere, where people can see that you re not doing anything that the catholic curch wouldnt allow before marriage...
Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008
bday and hurricane unite

hello everybody......
so today... one year older and still feels like always..... thought i tell you quicly how i ve celebtraed my bd day this year.... i thought.. as always... i can not just have a bday like everyone else... so i decided to make a locos party... meaning evyone had to dress up as crazy as they could..... meaning wigs, sunglasses, funky clothes... all that you can imagine... and some people successfully accomplished.... real bless.... acutally i was quite surrised of who from initially 25 invitation in the end over 50 people showed up... to party my birthday.... i was so surprised
and happy at the smae time.... nice music, good athmosphere and all my new friends have gathered..... i can t complain... i guess it was just one of the many luci partys... the only difference is that i was on the other side oof the world.... but i cant tell you.,... how much i miss you gues around here.... the party was so different... but big big promis i ll continue my tradtition back in vienna....
about the hurricane warnings... yes it is party serious... but i guess you just have to know how to handle it all... i ts reaining amost all day and sometimes you can t walk on the streets because the flood is too strong... but fortunately my house is not concerened, given the fact that i live up on a hill and the water does not actually aenter my house or anything like this.... but other than that... the strange thing is if its raining so extremely it stops like from one second tot the other , the sun come s out and dries it all up within no time.... so i guess this climate is gonna change soon given the fact that its kind winter here... with approximately 20 degrees and strong rainfall....
so far so good.... i send you heaps of love and hugs.....
all the best\
so today... one year older and still feels like always..... thought i tell you quicly how i ve celebtraed my bd day this year.... i thought.. as always... i can not just have a bday like everyone else... so i decided to make a locos party... meaning evyone had to dress up as crazy as they could..... meaning wigs, sunglasses, funky clothes... all that you can imagine... and some people successfully accomplished.... real bless.... acutally i was quite surrised of who from initially 25 invitation in the end over 50 people showed up... to party my birthday.... i was so surprised

about the hurricane warnings... yes it is party serious... but i guess you just have to know how to handle it all... i ts reaining amost all day and sometimes you can t walk on the streets because the flood is too strong... but fortunately my house is not concerened, given the fact that i live up on a hill and the water does not actually aenter my house or anything like this.... but other than that... the strange thing is if its raining so extremely it stops like from one second tot the other , the sun come s out and dries it all up within no time.... so i guess this climate is gonna change soon given the fact that its kind winter here... with approximately 20 degrees and strong rainfall....
so far so good.... i send you heaps of love and hugs.....
all the best\
Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008
weekend with hermanita fanni
so what has been happening the last week?.... my sister fanni has visited me with walter.... unfortunetely only for a weekend... but these 3 days were a real bless... it was soooo good to have a piece of home here in tegus.... on friday, after gigantic problems for their airplane to land.... with a 5 hour delay and jetlag the two arrived .... went to a really nice restaurant called criollos on boulevard morazan... thats like the main bar and restaurant street..... ate delicious food, catched up.... so i know everything about home not.... well at least as far as its possible saturday I picked them up from the luxurious hotel they lived in... like 5 minutes from my place and we went to the city center where carlos, a boy from casa alianza was giving us a guided tour through the town... from the old churches to the oldest streets and best views... he s told us everything... well he primarilly told me and then i translated as far as i could to english for fanni and walter.... sometimes it was simply impossible because he speaks most of the time caliche... that the honduran version of spanish.. like wienerisch.... hard to understand at times... but what do you want to do?... well.. hmmm.. after going to the mercado.. which represents honduras i guess the most... dirty, noisy, children playing on the dirty floor and everyone want to sell something to you.... carlos my sweet little kid.... is 17 ... and studies tourism... but his destiny was far everything from easy. with 11 his mom died in cancer, he got to his grandmom, who abused him and forced him to child labour.... his uncle sexually herousd him... and when he was 13, his brother who was a member of the mara salvatruche... got killed in a gang war.... for for the last 4 years hes been in casa alianza.... very optimistic and joyful... for me hard to believe given the fact of what he s been through.... amazing kid...! seriously-.... so after one full morning in tegus we went in the afternoon to valle de angeles... a town like 1 hour from tegus... by car... and visited, ate and enjoyed each others company.... cant complain.... sunday... fanni and walter invited me to this delicious freshly prepared breakfast... in their hotel.... i felt like in heaven.. seriously.....
Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008
Domingo 12.10.2008 So today I finally got out of Tegucigalpa…. Together with my family we went down to the South to an island called Amapala…. It is approximately 2 hours from Tegus… and the way down there is a piece of beautifully green landscape and on the one hand beautiful nature but this is mixted together with houses that sometimes are not connected to electricity , neither have running water and simply consist couple of wooden walls and nothing more…. the laungery hanging on the trees around the houses and little kids playing in the mud. … today was pretty hard… we had 38 degrees and while we were sitting in the car and going down to the South, these people daily ha ve to outlive this heat with hardly any protection like for example a solid house.
Anyhow, when we arrived to the little town where the boats go from to Amalapa… we got to a little little boat which took us from the main land to the vulcanic island. Only consisting of a couple of little beaches and a gigantic vulcanic hill which was completely covered with wood. Serisouly a breathtaking view for me…. For the honduran people on the other hand… the south coast is to be said the most ugliest coast in Honduras. For me … who has been longing for going to the beach… I was overwhelmed… so when we finally arrived to the little island… we went directly to the beach… where little kids were playing in the water… old man were chatting under the shadow of the trees… some others were relaxing in amaks of a restaurant that was directly located at the beach … and I was simply jumping into the water, and enjoying my newly found life.. hehe… I was so happy to be here in exactly that moment…. To my right hand.. palicans were fishing and relaxing…. It was so fascinating to see them somewhere else but the Zoo…
Anyhow, when we arrived to the little town where the boats go from to Amalapa… we got to a little little boat which took us from the main land to the vulcanic island. Only consisting of a couple of little beaches and a gigantic vulcanic hill which was completely covered with wood. Serisouly a breathtaking view for me…. For the honduran people on the other hand… the south coast is to be said the most ugliest coast in Honduras. For me … who has been longing for going to the beach… I was overwhelmed… so when we finally arrived to the little island… we went directly to the beach… where little kids were playing in the water… old man were chatting under the shadow of the trees… some others were relaxing in amaks of a restaurant that was directly located at the beach … and I was simply jumping into the water, and enjoying my newly found life.. hehe… I was so happy to be here in exactly that moment…. To my right hand.. palicans were fishing and relaxing…. It was so fascinating to see them somewhere else but the Zoo…
bailar en el centro garifuna
Dancing in Centro Garifuna….
So as I already told you in the last update… I started to dance with some of my ICYE friends in the Centro Garifuna… the kind of dances we dance is mostly salsa, merenge, bachata, cumbia,…. And other to me so far unknown dances…. But I seriously found my passion. We are approximately 8 girls right now and have a 24 year old, really nice and passionate dance teacher… his name is luis by the way… Luis…. He can move his hips like I have never seen ever before in my life… I am so overwhelmed and he has such a positiv aura… motivates everyone just with looking at us… and is really a sweetheart…
After we started our dance classes we went out with him and another girl called Alice… and got to know each other…. so as consequence Alice invited us to her birthday which took place in sabor cubano…. Just image it like to be “la rosa negra” from dirty dancing 2…. It seriously is like that…. Everyone can dance like crazy… and you feel like in paradise when watching people dancing… of course the pleasure part starts, when you are on the dance floor as well and are part of this fabolous feeling…. So all together we went to sabor cubano… to apply our newly learned dance moves… but I have to admit… it was not so much fun…. UNTIL Luis showed up and started to dance with me…. I was having such a great time… incredible…J how he could make me move… just a slight twist in my hands … and I ended up turning in kind of ways, that I never knew I could … hehe….
So as I already told you in the last update… I started to dance with some of my ICYE friends in the Centro Garifuna… the kind of dances we dance is mostly salsa, merenge, bachata, cumbia,…. And other to me so far unknown dances…. But I seriously found my passion. We are approximately 8 girls right now and have a 24 year old, really nice and passionate dance teacher… his name is luis by the way… Luis…. He can move his hips like I have never seen ever before in my life… I am so overwhelmed and he has such a positiv aura… motivates everyone just with looking at us… and is really a sweetheart…
After we started our dance classes we went out with him and another girl called Alice… and got to know each other…. so as consequence Alice invited us to her birthday which took place in sabor cubano…. Just image it like to be “la rosa negra” from dirty dancing 2…. It seriously is like that…. Everyone can dance like crazy… and you feel like in paradise when watching people dancing… of course the pleasure part starts, when you are on the dance floor as well and are part of this fabolous feeling…. So all together we went to sabor cubano… to apply our newly learned dance moves… but I have to admit… it was not so much fun…. UNTIL Luis showed up and started to dance with me…. I was having such a great time… incredible…J how he could make me move… just a slight twist in my hands … and I ended up turning in kind of ways, that I never knew I could … hehe….
Dienstag, 30. September 2008
anniversario de la casa alianza
monday... was the 21st birthday of casa alianza... meaning all kiddos were having a performance... i.e. ... dance, sing.... or both... all dressed really chick and happy that people from the outside all came to visit them. Therefore we cleaned the house and distributed food inside. So when it finally started some kids were dancing punta, breakdance, hip hop and of course not to forget reaggeton... the favourite kind of music... sometimes really monotonous but simply heaps of and after the main act.... the dancefloor was open to all ....and so fede and I ... thought.... lets show the kiddos how we do it in europe... hehe... i was dancing with a 12 year old.... he came up to my cheast... but still... this boy could move his hibs like no other.. hehe.... really cute... and an incredible experience.
Montag, 29. September 2008
Feria Internacional
saturday was the feria international from icye... it exactly took place in the Pedagogica, Tegucigalpa.
The basic idea of this feria is that all the differnet from people learn all the different customs, cultures and lifestiles that are in this world... in this case, that participate in this program. There were people from Taiwan, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Honduras of course. So we had to present our country and food specialities, food, culture and music.... of course... as i was partying the day before ... i could hardly make it to the feria ... and of course.... well was not capable of preparing the pogacsa that i was supposed to make....
so my excuse for the day was... the dog has eaten it, just in case anyone asks.... hehe
after the feria was over, we decided that once the opportunity is available we all should go out together... and this is what we did....
almost all ... about 20 people...went out together... danced till 2 ... then the bar obviously closed, for the stupid honduran laws.... hehe.. but the after party... was a electro party on the way to santa lucia... that s a town 20 km from tegucigalpa.... and were dancing till the dawn ... outside.... watching the sun come out and having a last beer ... seriously... i felt like in a movie... only the music was much better.... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah
The basic idea of this feria is that all the differnet from people learn all the different customs, cultures and lifestiles that are in this world... in this case, that participate in this program. There were people from Taiwan, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Honduras of course. So we had to present our country and food specialities, food, culture and music.... of course... as i was partying the day before ... i could hardly make it to the feria ... and of course.... well was not capable of preparing the pogacsa that i was supposed to make....
so my excuse for the day was... the dog has eaten it, just in case anyone asks.... hehe
after the feria was over, we decided that once the opportunity is available we all should go out together... and this is what we did....
almost all ... about 20 people...went out together... danced till 2 ... then the bar obviously closed, for the stupid honduran laws.... hehe.. but the after party... was a electro party on the way to santa lucia... that s a town 20 km from tegucigalpa.... and were dancing till the dawn ... outside.... watching the sun come out and having a last beer ... seriously... i felt like in a movie... only the music was much better.... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah
a weekend full of pleasure and joy
another week is over... and i still hold my breath and enjoy every moment of my newly started life....friday we went to celebrate julios birthday.... thats charlottes boyfriend... went to a quite chick club.... called la Grotta... haha... all kinds of music.. but I swear... people could dance like crazy.. i was a real pleasure... and furthermore there was a friend of julios .. his name is isaak.... awesome dancer.... didnt wanna stop ... but the bar closed... at 2... snief snief....
saturday was the feria international from icye...
monday, birthday of casa alianza...
saturday was the feria international from icye...
monday, birthday of casa alianza...
Donnerstag, 25. September 2008
work impressions
so, i finally I started to work in my fixed job. I give english and computer courses to the little kiddos and play with them and talk to them about their problems. the are so greatful. Seriously, and once they can pronounce a phrase correctly, they look me into the eyes, so greatfully and happy that i could without hesitation start to cry.
one very moving moment was when a guy, his name is orly, 16 told me his story. His mother died of AIDS when he was 6 and his father was a drug junkie and drug trafficant and was killed in mexico when he was 9. No mother, no brother, no father. None with 8. Then he got caught by the INFA, they are responsible for kids under 12, and there he got abused, hit and he even showed me his scars. Incredible. And today when I walked into the Residence, he came running to me, hugged me and said> Lucia, eres mi educadora preferida de Casa Alianza. meaning .. lucia you re my favourite educator from casa alianza. so cute... seriously... all of them have their own destinies... and their destinies where everything but easy and still, they are filled with hope and love at the same time. Incredible these kids.
Yesterday, we started to prepare the anniversary of the CASA Alianza and most of the kids trained a preformance for dance, singing and some of them are little artists, who really know how to paint. They will have an exposition... acutally its open house... where people from the streets can enter.. .and observe how we work and how everything works. So while we were preparing some of the boys, .... they are garifunas, meaning from the north coast... mostly africans... so 2 boys started to play the bongos and the rest of us, we were standing in a circle, watching and one after one, they went to the center of the cirlce and started to dance punta.... this is the traditional dance of the garifunas, which looks awesome... seriously... moving their entire bodies.. extremly awesome... what an experience... hoho.. hehe... yeah... nice nice nice...
so this is a little outcut of my daily life here....
one very moving moment was when a guy, his name is orly, 16 told me his story. His mother died of AIDS when he was 6 and his father was a drug junkie and drug trafficant and was killed in mexico when he was 9. No mother, no brother, no father. None with 8. Then he got caught by the INFA, they are responsible for kids under 12, and there he got abused, hit and he even showed me his scars. Incredible. And today when I walked into the Residence, he came running to me, hugged me and said> Lucia, eres mi educadora preferida de Casa Alianza. meaning .. lucia you re my favourite educator from casa alianza. so cute... seriously... all of them have their own destinies... and their destinies where everything but easy and still, they are filled with hope and love at the same time. Incredible these kids.
Yesterday, we started to prepare the anniversary of the CASA Alianza and most of the kids trained a preformance for dance, singing and some of them are little artists, who really know how to paint. They will have an exposition... acutally its open house... where people from the streets can enter.. .and observe how we work and how everything works. So while we were preparing some of the boys, .... they are garifunas, meaning from the north coast... mostly africans... so 2 boys started to play the bongos and the rest of us, we were standing in a circle, watching and one after one, they went to the center of the cirlce and started to dance punta.... this is the traditional dance of the garifunas, which looks awesome... seriously... moving their entire bodies.. extremly awesome... what an experience... hoho.. hehe... yeah... nice nice nice...
so this is a little outcut of my daily life here....
Samstag, 20. September 2008
work in Casa Alianza
finally started to work... incredible and shocking at the same time the first day i worked in the casa alianza with over 120 street kids.... we painted, ate together, played and told them stories about the snow in europe... they were all so excited and asked what it feels like to touch the snow, whether it is cold or warm and what it feels like to snowboard... hehe... most of them didnt know though were Europe is... and if they knew were europe is, they confused Hungary with Urkaine, Uganda and stuff like this... but they are cute... most of them told me without hestiation their story from the street, for how long they have been in the Casa and what their plans are for future... sometimes i even forgot that these kids used to live on the streets and that they were lured to the Casa Alianza. You simply forget if you think that they are still capable of laughing even though the parents abandoned them, they lived on the street and most of them stole from people in Tegucigalpa. Still there is hope for them and it seriously, in a very cheesy way makes me happy to be able to help this kids to make it through the day. Today was more challening. I worked on the Street. We say, trabajo en la Calle. 2 Educator, Alvin and Evelyn, and me we went to the street to look for street children under 18 that might be willing to come with us to Casa Alianza, where they can receive food, medical care, education and other kids that have been through the same like them but believe that there is more than drugs and stealing on the street. One of the street groups that we have found were in a part of town called Atomica in Comayaguila. Approximately 20 children were sleeping on the street but in stead of blankets they used old paper boxes, dogs with flees sleeping next to them and the entire corner smelling like urin and trash. When we arrived some of the kids were about to wake up. So we talked to them about other options. But most of them were begging us for money to buy more drugs. Of course we didnt give it to them. But while we were talking I was shocked about the way they looked at me. This time I didnt feel threatened ... thats not it.. it how they looked.... their eyes were glazed, hopeless, gigantic pupils and further more most of them had bruises on their faces and arms from previous fights. Almost all of the kids weighted under 45 kg. they have AIDS and of course instead of eating they use drugs to reach again a certain status of delirium to forget it all. They were basically are really nice to us because we didnt want to do any harm but help. With others we play on the street and organise activities to lure them into Casa Alianza.
Today was a little bit different. I worked in Reintegracion Familiar.... means we help street children to get in touch with their partents again, supervise them, give them advise how to do it and why? Preventive talks are not unusal either.So Neilly a Educator, Federica and I got onto the bus direction Ciudad Espana. This is approximately 2 hours from Tegus away to a small little town of maybe 5000 inhabitants, unfortunately there is no possiblity in this urban area to work thats why the criminality rate is extremely high. We visited 4 different families all living simliar to houses but the things that covered the roof was thin metal, the windows were plastic cover and the families were in no case smaller than parents and min 6 children from the age of 0 to approximately 18 years.But the one girl that was 15 was 8 months pregnant, she was HIV positiv. In between the house chicken were running around and all over the Cidudad Espana there were cows, horses and donkeys. MOst of the children used to live in casa Alianza because their parents couldnt support them anylonger. For lunch we went to the only bistro in the city and ate enpanadas, pupudas and tacos. Really delicious, i cant complain about the food and a street child joined us. First i thought that i have to ignore him but i simply couldnt ... so fede and I gave him some food because why should we enjoy delicious food while he cant. His name was Jose and was 8 years old. 5 other siblings, thats all we know. He thanked us and wished us a nice day. The landscape on the way of travelling was breathtaking. But most of the area was destroyed by the hurricane mitch that devasted the entire country in 1998. On for example one of the hills there was a cemitary for all those who died from the hurricane.
Querubines is a home for girls from 12 to 18 .... girls who have been sexually abused, were forced to prostitution by their parents or have been violated in any other way. This home gives girls with these backgrounds the possiblity to rehabilitate and find other perspectives in live.27 destinies have moved my life today. I met various types of girls, from calm to outgoing, from laughing to crying. Dailyn for example, 16 since a month, got married when she was 15 to a 47 year old North American guy named Frank. Most probablly he payed the partens of Dailyn to give her free to marriage, because other than that why would the law allow this marrige. She seemed in love but as we all know from new in the newspaper, this could be called the Stockholm syndrom as well. Another girl, Maria 14 years old, was raped by her father and is pregnant now. And as the Honduresian law doesnt allow abortion, she has to carry her son which could be her brother too. Meilyn, 10 years old, was raped by her step father, with her mother knowing.... These are just some of the small inocent destinies that have moved my life today.Incredible of how girls with this background can possibly survive another day ... and another day... and another.... and another...
Today was a little bit different. I worked in Reintegracion Familiar.... means we help street children to get in touch with their partents again, supervise them, give them advise how to do it and why? Preventive talks are not unusal either.So Neilly a Educator, Federica and I got onto the bus direction Ciudad Espana. This is approximately 2 hours from Tegus away to a small little town of maybe 5000 inhabitants, unfortunately there is no possiblity in this urban area to work thats why the criminality rate is extremely high. We visited 4 different families all living simliar to houses but the things that covered the roof was thin metal, the windows were plastic cover and the families were in no case smaller than parents and min 6 children from the age of 0 to approximately 18 years.But the one girl that was 15 was 8 months pregnant, she was HIV positiv. In between the house chicken were running around and all over the Cidudad Espana there were cows, horses and donkeys. MOst of the children used to live in casa Alianza because their parents couldnt support them anylonger. For lunch we went to the only bistro in the city and ate enpanadas, pupudas and tacos. Really delicious, i cant complain about the food and a street child joined us. First i thought that i have to ignore him but i simply couldnt ... so fede and I gave him some food because why should we enjoy delicious food while he cant. His name was Jose and was 8 years old. 5 other siblings, thats all we know. He thanked us and wished us a nice day. The landscape on the way of travelling was breathtaking. But most of the area was destroyed by the hurricane mitch that devasted the entire country in 1998. On for example one of the hills there was a cemitary for all those who died from the hurricane.
Querubines is a home for girls from 12 to 18 .... girls who have been sexually abused, were forced to prostitution by their parents or have been violated in any other way. This home gives girls with these backgrounds the possiblity to rehabilitate and find other perspectives in live.27 destinies have moved my life today. I met various types of girls, from calm to outgoing, from laughing to crying. Dailyn for example, 16 since a month, got married when she was 15 to a 47 year old North American guy named Frank. Most probablly he payed the partens of Dailyn to give her free to marriage, because other than that why would the law allow this marrige. She seemed in love but as we all know from new in the newspaper, this could be called the Stockholm syndrom as well. Another girl, Maria 14 years old, was raped by her father and is pregnant now. And as the Honduresian law doesnt allow abortion, she has to carry her son which could be her brother too. Meilyn, 10 years old, was raped by her step father, with her mother knowing.... These are just some of the small inocent destinies that have moved my life today.Incredible of how girls with this background can possibly survive another day ... and another day... and another.... and another...
first impressions from Honduras
i finally arrived in honduras after only 40 hours of travel... was seriously one of the most exhausting travels that i have ever been through... on the way from guatemala i thought that i ll die because the airplane had a lot of turbulences... anyhow.. i did finally arrive in my new home... *which is by the way gigantic* The family that i live with has a father *jeweller* called allan, a mother*lawyer* called gladdys, a daughter called charlotte*industrial engineer* (she stayed in germany for a year so there is hope for me in case i dont understand anything( hehe .. and finally allan the brother who apparently is only a cousin who is a student and 20... didnt get to meet him though.... the house i live in, is a palace... it is seriously gigantic. on the one side of the house there are no windows only terraces.. seriously i feel like in a movie...yeah.... the garden is less beautiful but funnily enough they grow corn there.... the honduresian accent is much nicer than the mexican one or the guatemalan accent.. probally because they speak slower and clearer... nevertheless... i finally did arrive in my new home.. and i think i like it...*yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*
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