I have promised some updates from Honduras (am doing my voluntary year in Tegucigalpa with street children/orphans in a place called Casa Alianza). What I am doing right now here is that I give English, Math, Accounting and Spanish lessons (yes all in Spanish, dont ask me how I am doing it, it is extremely hard at times... but one makes the best of every and each situation in life I guess) and I have to express my respect to all of my old teachers. I had no idea how difficult it is to bring up the motivation every day. To motivate the little kids to sit down and listen because in the end education is the key to success and a successful life... especially, eversince I am here I have realized how important education is after all. Of how some kids on the other hand are trapped in the vicious circle of society because of the stupidity and the incapability of the
government to support them. Public education is unaccaptable. One course lasts only 25 minutes. And most of them hand out Work Sheets and let the kids fill it out. No explanation. Nothing. It is simply unaccaptable of how the teachers here treat the children. Let them study everything alone with helping. Public education might be free of charge but is not worth anything the way it is used. I have met so many children (from age 12 to even 20) that were incapable of reading and writing. Still they are able to survive in a society that is based on understand and communicating. I keep asking myself how it is possible. Yes, back in Vienna and school we kept learning about Illiteracy but it is one thing to learn about it in theory. Maybe feel sorry for people who cant read and be blessed of how lucky we are. But working with people with this incapability is something so different. You see life so diffrently. I do at least eversince I am here. It made me realize so many things. For example education.
Another thing is the problem with public hospital.... one of my friends... isaac ... 24... had a stroke... that is not the only thing I am shocked about, but as well the estado del hospital. Today when I passed by to visit my friend Izaac, I found him in a room with more than 5 people. This room was supposed to be for the people who freshly came out of brain surgery. It was full with peolpe...too many visitors... how are you supposed to relax with all the noise?... impossible!... constantly someone entereing. I couldnt stay for long, because they had to take him to another hospital. This hospital, as it turned out, didnt have all the required equipment for his kind of brain surgery and check ups, so they took him to another one. (Ah and of course everything has to be paid instantly after the treatment- this I know because I have been to a hospital last week (a private one thank god) . What do people do, if they dont have the required means? Die in front of the hospital? How is this system supposed to work or be accepted by society?
The hospital seemed like one from 50 years ago... old doors... bad equipment... overly filled... patients waiting on the floor because there where not enough beds available.. i dont know what to say.... nor what to do....
This is not he only thing that shocks me these days... the kids stories are getting really hard for me to digest... i hear more and more stories ... and the only thing i feel is helpless... i dont know what to do ... how to help them... and that makes me sick..one of my kids... his name is jesus ....

Another thing is the problem with public hospital.... one of my friends... isaac ... 24... had a stroke... that is not the only thing I am shocked about, but as well the estado del hospital. Today when I passed by to visit my friend Izaac, I found him in a room with more than 5 people. This room was supposed to be for the people who freshly came out of brain surgery. It was full with peolpe...too many visitors... how are you supposed to relax with all the noise?... impossible!... constantly someone entereing. I couldnt stay for long, because they had to take him to another hospital. This hospital, as it turned out, didnt have all the required equipment for his kind of brain surgery and check ups, so they took him to another one. (Ah and of course everything has to be paid instantly after the treatment- this I know because I have been to a hospital last week (a private one thank god) . What do people do, if they dont have the required means? Die in front of the hospital? How is this system supposed to work or be accepted by society?
The hospital seemed like one from 50 years ago... old doors... bad equipment... overly filled... patients waiting on the floor because there where not enough beds available.. i dont know what to say.... nor what to do....
This is not he only thing that shocks me these days... the kids stories are getting really hard for me to digest... i hear more and more stories ... and the only thing i feel is helpless... i dont know what to do ... how to help them... and that makes me sick..one of my kids... his name is jesus ....
(i know... i keep laughing about his name every time i hear it...:)) .... he is 13 ... a very cute little boy... who told me that his brother got killed in front of his eyes.... (his brother was a member of Mara 18- the biggest problematic of central America --> these are youth gangs who are the biggest challegnge for each government because their high unemployment rate, violence rate and willignness to integrate into society. The average rate of people being in this gangs are approximately 3 years. After that they either get killed, violated and then killed or can escape, which only rarely happens)... and I feel so lucky to see how well he s doing.. and of how he is still able to live another day after all that he has been through... i admire him... sincercly...and thats just one of the many stories.. i dont know what to do or how to help.. i really just wanna take away their burden but i know i cant.. and i m here... getting to know them all.. but right now .. i feel like its not enough... how to help them... and what more I could do?...?????... what???... it s so unfair... why do some have so much and others nothing... why do some live in luxery and others eat food from the trash in the hope to survive another day?...
Why do some receive the best surgical treatment and others have to see people dying on the street because they didnt know better which other way to go?... why?... and i know the only answer is money... because we live in a materialistic world... where equality doesnt matter.. where the equal distribution of material is not the way people select but the accumulation of personal wealth... and being here in Honduras... living the difference i feel after all I have learned in school, trapped with my knowlede... being able to analyize the situation is one thing but not able to change it, the other... and that is the problem that you kept praying me in school... and naive as i was i thought i understood what they were talking about... but i was so wrong... living the difference and KNOWING that your help is limited or in other cases not availble because of egoism... that is what makes me depressed, helpless and it is simply so wrong.
Why do some receive the best surgical treatment and others have to see people dying on the street because they didnt know better which other way to go?... why?... and i know the only answer is money... because we live in a materialistic world... where equality doesnt matter.. where the equal distribution of material is not the way people select but the accumulation of personal wealth... and being here in Honduras... living the difference i feel after all I have learned in school, trapped with my knowlede... being able to analyize the situation is one thing but not able to change it, the other... and that is the problem that you kept praying me in school... and naive as i was i thought i understood what they were talking about... but i was so wrong... living the difference and KNOWING that your help is limited or in other cases not availble because of egoism... that is what makes me depressed, helpless and it is simply so wrong.
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