Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008


Domingo 12.10.2008 So today I finally got out of Tegucigalpa…. Together with my family we went down to the South to an island called Amapala…. It is approximately 2 hours from Tegus… and the way down there is a piece of beautifully green landscape and on the one hand beautiful nature but this is mixted together with houses that sometimes are not connected to electricity , neither have running water and simply consist couple of wooden walls and nothing more…. the laungery hanging on the trees around the houses and little kids playing in the mud. … today was pretty hard… we had 38 degrees and while we were sitting in the car and going down to the South, these people daily ha ve to outlive this heat with hardly any protection like for example a solid house.
Anyhow, when we arrived to the little town where the boats go from to Amalapa… we got to a little little boat which took us from the main land to the vulcanic island. Only consisting of a couple of little beaches and a gigantic vulcanic hill which was completely covered with wood. Serisouly a breathtaking view for me…. For the honduran people on the other hand… the south coast is to be said the most ugliest coast in Honduras. For me … who has been longing for going to the beach… I was overwhelmed… so when we finally arrived to the little island… we went directly to the beach… where little kids were playing in the water… old man were chatting under the shadow of the trees… some others were relaxing in amaks of a restaurant that was directly located at the beach … and I was simply jumping into the water, and enjoying my newly found life.. hehe… I was so happy to be here in exactly that moment…. To my right hand.. palicans were fishing and relaxing…. It was so fascinating to see them somewhere else but the Zoo…

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