...today I brought 2 boys (both with the age of 14) to another Project, called "Proyecto Victoria". This project specializes on men (of any age) with addiction problems and "Mara" involement. This may sound very simple and easy but my last week, required blood, sweat and tears to
reach this point.Last week on thursday, Kevin I. (used to be a former english student of mine who got kicked out of casa alianza because he sold marijuana to other kids inside the house but basically is simply a product of abuse and violence at home. he left his house by the age of 7 years and went to beg on the street. One year later he started to smoke marijuana and with 10 he started with resistol), 14 came completely drugged (inhaled resistol, tinner and smoked marijuana) to Casa Alianza. The was completly intoxicated. The started to hyperventilate, sweat, wanted to puke and could hardly speak. Comes a point after 10 minuite where out of nowhere he all of a sudden starts to cry. My first assumtion was violation. With time tough I started to realized that he was just toooooo stoned to think clearly and straight. give him any kind of Medication - no ... impossible that could have even killed him. so we took him to the emergency were they took his blood pressure and gave him an infusion to get him destoxicated. On the way back to casa alianza Kevin wanted to escape - again but I could convince him after almoast 2 hours of talking to him... that there are other options than to be on the street. He starts to tell me of what he has been dedicating himself to the last 3 months eversince they have kicked him out of the institution. Amongst those were selling drugs with the biggest drug dealer in Tegus, Erica C. (who now is in prison), robbed people with knifes (he assured me that he would never do me harm. for that he loves me too much and trust in me) and the rest of the time getting completly drugged and wasted to forget all the pain that his past has caused him. So after 3 months of living on the street, complete intoxication I got to convince him to come with me. We took exams, and at night he slept in Casa Alianza (in protection). On monday I took him together with Marvin another boy (havent been working with him tough I cant really tell you moving stories about him) to the Project where they had a couple of interview and today my little life saving mission was completed. At 8.a.m this morning I took him to the project, he gave me a last hug and wispered into my ears " Gracias Lucia, no huberia logrado sin vos". (Thank you Lucia, I couldnt have done it without you) on my way back I have to admit, a little tear came down my cheaks. I was moved.

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