hello everybody......
so today... one year older and still feels like always..... thought i tell you quicly how i ve celebtraed my bd day this year.... i thought.. as always... i can not just have a bday like everyone else... so i decided to make a locos party... meaning evyone had to dress up as crazy as they could..... meaning wigs, sunglasses, funky clothes... all that you can imagine... and some people successfully accomplished.... real bless.... acutally i was quite surrised of who from initially 25 invitation in the end over 50 people showed up... to party my birthday.... i was so surprised
and happy at the smae time.... nice music, good athmosphere and all my new friends have gathered..... i can t complain... i guess it was just one of the many luci partys... the only difference is that i was on the other side oof the world.... but i cant tell you.,... how much i miss you gues around here.... the party was so different... but big big promis i ll continue my tradtition back in vienna....
about the hurricane warnings... yes it is party serious... but i guess you just have to know how to handle it all... i ts reaining amost all day and sometimes you can t walk on the streets because the flood is too strong... but fortunately my house is not concerened, given the fact that i live up on a hill and the water does not actually aenter my house or anything like this.... but other than that... the strange thing is if its raining so extremely it stops like from one second tot the other , the sun come s out and dries it all up within no time.... so i guess this climate is gonna change soon given the fact that its kind winter here... with approximately 20 degrees and strong rainfall....
so far so good.... i send you heaps of love and hugs.....
all the best\
so today... one year older and still feels like always..... thought i tell you quicly how i ve celebtraed my bd day this year.... i thought.. as always... i can not just have a bday like everyone else... so i decided to make a locos party... meaning evyone had to dress up as crazy as they could..... meaning wigs, sunglasses, funky clothes... all that you can imagine... and some people successfully accomplished.... real bless.... acutally i was quite surrised of who from initially 25 invitation in the end over 50 people showed up... to party my birthday.... i was so surprised

about the hurricane warnings... yes it is party serious... but i guess you just have to know how to handle it all... i ts reaining amost all day and sometimes you can t walk on the streets because the flood is too strong... but fortunately my house is not concerened, given the fact that i live up on a hill and the water does not actually aenter my house or anything like this.... but other than that... the strange thing is if its raining so extremely it stops like from one second tot the other , the sun come s out and dries it all up within no time.... so i guess this climate is gonna change soon given the fact that its kind winter here... with approximately 20 degrees and strong rainfall....
so far so good.... i send you heaps of love and hugs.....
all the best\